41 research outputs found

    Vector Operation Support for Transport Triggered Architectures

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    High performance and low power consumption requirements usually restrict the design process of embedded processors. Traditional design solutions do not apply to the requirements today, but instead demands exploiting varying levels of parallelism. In order to reduce design time and effort, a powerful toolset is required to design new parallel processors effectively. TTA-based Co-design Environment (TCE) is a toolset developed in Tampere University of Technology for designing customized parallel processors. It is based on a modular Transport Triggered Architecture (TTA) processor architecture template, which provides easy customization and allows exploiting instruction-level parallelism for high performance execution. Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) paradigm provides powerful data-level parallel vector computation for many applications in embedded processing. It is one of the most common ways to exploit parallelism in today's processor designs in order to gain greater execution efficiency and, therefore, to meet the performance requirements. This work describes how data-level parallel SIMD support is introduced and integrated to the TCE design flow for more diverse parallelism support. The support allows designers to customize and program processors with wide vector operations. The work presents the required modification points along with the new tools that were added to the toolset. Much weight is given for the retargetable compiler, which must be able to adapt to all resources on TTA machines. The added tools were required to provide as much automatic behavior as possible to maintain effective design flow. In addition, the thesis presents how the modifications and new features were verified

    Challenges and Solutions for Non-Timber Forest Product Businesses in FINLAND : An Application of the SODA Analysis

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    This study aims to present a holistic image of the strategic development needs and potential solutions within the Finnish non-timber forest product (NTFP) business sector and demonstrate a new hybrid methodology for collaborative strategy formulation. The perceived challenges and solutions were collected with the 635 group-working method in a nationwide series of NTFP actor workshops. The analysis applied the Strategic Option Development and Analysis (SODA) approach and the formal network analysis. Business actors emphasised two complex and interrelated aims of development at the core of the business activity: (1) to improve the profitability of the NTFP business and (2) to facilitate the growth of the sector. The present bottleneck is perceived in the raw material acquisition and productising, and many wider development themes, such as business logic and sustainability, received little attention

    DYNECOM: Augmenting Empathy in VR with Dyadic Synchrony Neurofeedback

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    In a novel experimental setting, we augmented a variation of traditional compassion meditation with our custom built VR environment for multiple concurrent users. The system incorporates respiration and brainwave based biofeedback that enables responsiveness to the shared physiological states of the users. The presence of another user’s avatar in the shared virtual space supported low level social interactions and provided active targets for evoked compassion. We enhanced interoception and the deep empathetic processes involved in compassion meditation with real time visualizations of breathing rates and the level of approach motivation assessed from EEG frontal asymmetry, and the dyadic synchrony of those signals between the two users. We found how the different biofeedback types increased both the amount of physiological synchrony between the users and their self-reported empathy, illustrating how dyadic synchrony biofeedback can expand the possibilities of biofeedback in affective computing and VR solutions for health and wellness

    Evoking Physiological Synchrony and Empathy Using Social VR with Biofeedback

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    With the advent of consumer grade virtual reality (VR) headsets and physiological measurement devices, new possibilities for mediated social interaction emerge enabling the immersion to environments where the visual features react to the users' physiological activation. In this study, we investigated whether and how individual and interpersonally shared biofeedback (visualised respiration rate and frontal asymmetry of electroencephalography, EEG) enhance synchrony between the users' physiological activity and perceived empathy towards the other during a compassion meditation exercise carried out in a social VR setting. The study was conducted as a laboratory experiment (N = 72) employing a Unity3D-based Dynecom immersive social meditation environment and two amplifiers to collect the psychophysiological signals for the biofeedback. The biofeedback on empathy-related EEG frontal asymmetry evoked higher self-reported empathy towards the other user than the biofeedback on respiratory activation, but the perceived empathy was highest when both feedbacks were simultaneously presented. In addition, the participants reported more empathy when there was stronger EEG frontal asymmetry synchronization between the users. The presented results inform the field of affective computing on the possibilities that VR offers for different applications of empathic technologies.Peer reviewe

    Kystikerkoosi naudoissa ja lihantarkastuksen yksinkertaistaminen – riskinarviointi

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    Kystikerkoosi naudoissa – lihantarkastuksen yksinkertaistaminen -hankkeen taustalla on komission täytäntöönpanoasetus (EU) 2019/627, joka antaa mahdollisuuden luopua nautojen lihantarkastuksessa tehtävistä puremalihasten (poskilihasten) viilloista. Mahdollisuus tällä tavalla keventää lihantarkastusta nosti esiin tarpeen tarkastella Suomen perusteiden riittävyyttä. Poskilihasviillot tehdään ihmisten tenioositautia aiheuttavan naudan kystikerkoosin eli Taenia saginata -heisimadon loisrakkuloiden havaitsemiseksi. Hankkeen tavoitteena oli 1) kartoittaa ihmisten ja nautojen taudille altistavia tekijöitä, 2) arvioida ihmisten altistumista T. saginata -heisimadolle Suomessa ja 3) selvittää T. saginata -heisimadon esiintyvyyttä suomalaisissa teurasnaudoissa. Suomalaisista teurastamoista otettiin vuosina 2020 ja 2021 hanketta varten tarkemmin analysoitavaksi 793 naudan poski- ja sydänlihasnäytettä. Lisäksi tutkittiin kolme tavanomaisesta lihantarkastuksesta lähetettyä epäilynäytettä. Yksikään näyte ei sisältänyt loisrakkuloita. Saman ajanjakson aikana teurastamoiden hankkeeseen kuulumattomassakaan lihantarkastuksessa ei havaittu loisrakkuloita. Kystikerkoosin esiintyvyydeksi suomalaisissa teurasnaudoissa arvioitiin 0,004 % (mediaani, 95 % todennäköisyysväli 0,0001–0,02 %). Riskinarvioinnin tulosten perusteella kystikerkoosi on erittäin harvinainen tauti suomalaisissa naudoissa, ja loisrakkuloiden aiheuttama riski kuluttajalle on hyvin pieni. Poskilihasviilloista luopuminen ei käytännössä lisäisi suomalaisten altistumista T. saginata -heisimadolle

    The Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Intervention on Inflammation and Stress Biomarkers: a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background Psychological processes can be manifested in physiological health. We investigated whether acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), targeted on psychological flexibility (PF), influences inflammation and stress biomarkers among working-age adults with psychological distress and overweight/obesity. Method Participants were randomized into three parallel groups: (1) ACT-based face-to-face (n = 65; six group sessions led by a psychologist), (2) ACT-based mobile (n = 73; one group session and mobile app), and (3) control (n = 66; only the measurements). Systemic inflammation and stress markers were analyzed at baseline, at 10 weeks after the baseline (post-intervention), and at 36 weeks after the baseline (follow-up). General PF and weight-related PF were measured with questionnaires (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-Related Difficulties). Results A group x time interaction (p = .012) was detected in the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) level but not in other inflammation and stress biomarkers. hsCRP decreased significantly in the face-to-face group from week 0 to week 36, and at week 36, hsCRP was lower among the participants in the face-to-face group than in the mobile group (p = .035, post hoc test). Age and sex were stronger predictors of biomarker levels at follow-up than the post-intervention PF. Conclusion The results suggest that ACT delivered in group sessions may exert beneficial effects on low-grade systemic inflammation. More research is needed on how to best apply psychological interventions for the health of both mind and body among people with overweight/obesity and psychological distress.Peer reviewe

    Motor Performance in Children Diagnosed with Cancer: A Longitudinal Observational Study

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    Children with cancer are dealing with different side and long-term effects caused by cancer and its treatments, like vinca-alkaloids, which may have negative effects on motor performance. However, the affected areas of motor performance (aiming and catching, balance, manual dexterity) and the differences in these areas between boys and girls and diagnoses are not frequently reported in a longitudinal design. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate how motor performance changes over the course of cancer treatment. The study was conducted with 3-to 16-year-old children with cancer (N = 36) in 2013-2017. The five assessment points were 0, 2, 6, 12 and 30 months from diagnosis. Movement-ABC2 was used to assess motor performance. We found that aiming and catching skills decreased significantly during the follow-up (p p p p p p < 0.05, respectively). Individual monitoring of motor performance with standardized tests and physical activity/exercise programs during and after treatment are needed. </p